[luau] more service deletion issues

Vince Hoang luau at ml.altern8.net
Wed Apr 2 22:25:01 PST 2003

On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 02:58:21PM -0800, TB wrote:
> How can I tell if I need atd? Just turn it off & see
> if anything explodes?

man at
man atd

It is nice to have, but the only time I seriously used it was
back in school. I would schedule at to print out a document in a
few minutes, providing me just enough time to get from my dorm
room to the computer lab and have the last page printed out as I
walked through the door. It took a few tries to get it just right.

> How can I tell whether I'm actually using crond or
> anacron? Or both?

ps auxww | grep cron
chkconfig --list | grep :on | grep cron

> How can I tell if something local is using sendmail
> for logging? 

You mean syslog? See /var/log.

> How can I test that my firewall is preventing sendmail
> from accepting connections from outside?

Using an external host, telnet to tcp/25 with the firewall
enabled and disabled. Or not run sendmail in listening mode
(run only -q instead of -bd). Or use a better MTA.

> I ran the kudzu stop script, but left it on in
> chkconfig so that it will run on reboot. Is this
> necessary, or can I disable it if I don't add/remove
> any hardware? 

I thought kudzu only ran at startup.

> My next goal is to figure out what all those processes listed
> by ps -ef are. Presumably they map to the services somehow.
> Mostly.

I would recommend you pick up "UNIX System Administration
Handbook", ISBN: 0130206016. It is the SA bible. There is a Linux
version as well.


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