[luau] [Fwd: Athlon Comptuer] / Hard Drive
W. Wayne Liauh
LiauhW001 at Hawaii.rr.com
Fri Dec 27 17:01:00 PST 2002
Thank you for forwarding me those interesting discussions.
I am sure everyone has a lot of things to worry about than to be engaged
in mud wrestling. Can we all respect privacy? What about ALOHA?
(Oddly, my tirade towards RoadRunner's dhcp was about privacy, but no
one seems to be able to catch that.) Arguments are very healthy to
reinvigorate a public forum, but are unfair to those (such as myself in
this case) who have no way of knowing that his/her name is being toasted
around. I don't know how I got involved in this, but:
Warren: I thought all the personal info about LUAU should be kept
confidential, including who's joining and who's leaving? I don't know
whether Scott has forwarded you my reply to his kind message, but I DO
have urgent matters to take care of--I just came back from the federal
district court on Ala Moana--and will not be able to continue doing what
I thought would be beneficial to our community.
(Re the Athlon/PII combo, I respect George as one of the most
enthusiastic Linux aficionados I have ever known, from whom I have also
learned a lot about Linux desktops. George is currently frustrated
because his wife does not allow him to buy a new PC. And if you do not
have plans of using it, I would like George to have it. Otherwise, I
have another machine which will retire soon and he will have it.)
Georgy, my good ol' buddy: I don't know how you manage to provoke
Warren the way he was able to completely lose his usual cool. I have
noticed that you do have a very special talent of making recipient of
your communication become totally insane. But remember LUAU is
primarily a forum for kids to learn and practice their skills, both
techically as well as professionally. I wish I could do more for them.
You should do the same.
I hate to interrupt your lively discussions but I don't like to see my
name being toasted behind my back. Regarding RoadRunner, I have nothing
but deep appreciations. I have often mentioned to my friends that in
Hawaii, we have the weather and we have Roadrunner. As I probably
mentioned here before, I have heard tons of horrible stories about their
cable modem services on the mainland, but not with mine. The fact that
so many LUAU members, both on- and off-line, came to their defense is a
testimonial to their excellent services. But, again, the issue is not
about technical matters--RoadRunnder definitely does its job nad has
complied with the industry standards. My issue is about transparency.
With Windows, I would never had noticed the fixed hostname issue.
Whether it is good or not (as Eric pointed out, a fixed IP would have
cost more), is not the point. With a more transparent system like
Linux, at least I have an opportunity to discover that something that
has been accepted as the industrial standard may not be what I thought
it should be. I am sure you guys/gals are all Linux/xNIX advocates, and
I just don't see how all of you can miss this point.
Since I open this issue again, it is probably unfair for me to say that,
for those who agree or disagree with me, please let this dhcp issue die.
I agree with everything you guys said (Vince, Dustin, Eric, Warren,
Ray, and others). Let the elder (i.e., me) take a final parting shot.,
OK? If you are interested in the transparency issue, read the Dec 18
issue of Nihon Keizai Shinbum. It was exactly because of this
transparency issue, or more specifically, the lack thereof with Windows,
Japan's LDP (the one which that actually makes policy decisions) has
decided to use Linux (at least along with Windows) in renewing their
national information system, which is expected to complete in 2007 and
is budgeted at 2 trillion Yen. Fujitsu, the No. 1 computer company in
Japan, plans to beef up its Linux staff to 10,000 in year 2003, and
increase its Linux R&D staff tenfold to 1000. The No. 2 NEC also has a
similar plan.
But everyone in our state gov is still clueless. (Warren, does that
explain to you why I am so agitated?)
R. Scott Belford wrote:
>On Friday 27 December 2002 07:57 am, Joe Linux wrote:
>> I got this email from Wayne Liauh, he now wants to give the computer
>>that he gave to you and your group to me. While you are at it, please
>>return the disk drive that I donated to Mid-Pac High school to be used
>>for open source. I will make arrangements to donate it to a more
>>deserving organization which does not have a leader who constantly
>>insults persons who contribute financially to the cause of Linux and
>>open source. We will inform Mid-Pac of the reasons why we are asking
>>for its return.
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Subject: Athlon Comptuer
>>Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 15:42:38 -1000
>>From: "W. Wayne Liauh" <LiauhW001 at Hawaii.rr.com>
>>To: Joe Linux <joelinux at earthlink.net>
>>References: <3E0B6EDE.8040709 at earthlink.net>
>>Just realized that I don't have Warren Togami's e-mail address. Would
>>you please ask him to hand back to you the Athlon computer that I
>>personally delivered to him but apparently was never put in good use.
>>If you have any problem, please let me know.
>Unreal and completely childish. Joe, you and I split the cost of a Western
>Digital 120 gb hard drive for LUAU. This drive can not be returned to you.
>Videl has been up for nearly 200 days. It cannot come down to return this
>drive to you. I will personally buy you a replacement drive for the $100
>that you donated. I do not know what Warren has done with the machine that
>Wayne gave him. If there is any problem returning it, I will personally
>purchase a complete and BETTER replacement for Wayne.
>You and Wayne are much older than most of us. Warren had no business taking
>some jab at you. He knows better. He is still a very young man, though. If
>what he said was wrong, why respond in kind? You should know better; you are
>an adult. Wayne is an adult, a professional lawyer. Now he wants you to get
>a computer from Warren and LUAU that he gave Warren and the group. What, are
>we in 5th grade or something? UNREAL.
>You will have a replacement drive. Wayne will have his replacement computer.
>I will buy both of these if needed. Please do the community a favor: take
>your toys that you want back and grow up. We are trying to do some good
>here. There is no time to deal with your hurt feelings. If the best you can
>do is ask for material goods back, take them and be on your merry way. I
>have plenty of money to replace your "gifts." You will not hurt us with this
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