Samba Daemon dying

Ray Strode halfline at
Tue Jul 24 15:33:38 PDT 2001

> Hi all !
> I'm having problems keeping my samba daemon up for a long period of time, now 
> that I finally got the setup to work and now I can actually share files 
> across the network from my Windows XP machines but sometimes when I map a 
> network drive it dies on me and get the message : connection lost or 
> connection refused by host, is there any way of keeping the daemon up at all 
> times so I don't have to do an /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart all the time?
Make sure you have the latest version of the software first, but if it really is important
that it stays up, you can add it to your init table.

echo "smb:345:respawn:/usr/sbin/smbd" >> /etc/inittab
echo "nmb:345:respawn:/usr/sbin/nmbd" >> /etc/inittab



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