(not quite linux) PHP3 or not to PHP3?

Jeffrey Y. Sue jysue at stanfordalumni.org
Fri Apr 13 23:14:57 PDT 2001

PHP4 seems to be pretty stable, although they have been occasional bug and 
security patches. Current version is PHP 4.0.4p1. There is a guide for 
migrating from PHP3 to 4, but the website says:

"PHP 4.0 and the integrated Zend engine have greatly inproved PHPs 
performance and capabilities, but great care has been taken to break as 
little existing code as possible. So migrating your code from PHP 3.0 to 
4.0 should be much easier than migrating from PHP/FI 2.0 to PHP 3.0. A lot 
of existing PHP 3.0 code should be ready to run without changes, but you 
should still know about the few differences and take care to test your code 
before switching versions in production environments "


At 11:18 AM 4/13/01 -1000, you wrote:
>Hiya folks! (excuse the lame attempt at humor in subject line)
>I'm starting to dork around with PHP a bit and wanted to do my own
>installation on my linux box. I have the Wrox PHP programming book that
>was written before PHP4 came out as a starting reference.
>My question: Will most stuff out there work with PHP4 even though
>originally written for PHP3? Is there any reason to install both?
>I tend to be a bit conservative when playing with new version releases of
>software and PHP4 seems to be a pretty recent release.
>There used to be some folks on the LUAU list who met occasionally to do
>PHP stuff...are they still out there? :)
>Thanks in advance!

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