Incredible Llama Question

Chris Wong wongc at
Wed Sep 20 14:44:04 PDT 2000

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Erich S. wrote:

> OK here's my llama question of the day (don't laugh too hard OK?)
> Got a fresh install of RH running and I'm noticing an entry in the logs
> about every ten minutes showing:
> Sep 20 10:54:06 localhost inetd[14190]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> (NOTE: named seems to be running fine, but is there something here trying
> to restart it every 10 minutes?)

It's not named. It's inetd. THere is an entry in /etc/inetd.conf that
looks something like...

auth   stream  tcp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.identd in.identd -e

Comment that line out and restart inetd.

Redhat comes with a standalone identd (notice the difference). Which is
binding to port 113 (auth port). Inetd is trying to grab the port which is
already bound with identd.

Why this is happening I"m not too sure.

It's good to use the # key liberally in inetd.conf anyhow.

By default, I think it's commented it. and...why is inetd is trying to
reload it's configuration. I'll see how that works later.

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