
Deven Phillips dphillips at
Wed Oct 11 12:49:52 PDT 2000


	There are many aspects of a Linux system that can affect performance, and my 
esteemed collegues are correct in saying that XFCE is very fast. The one 
thing that they neglect to mention is that XFCE is not all that easy to use. 
The main problem with installing Linux is that in a lot of cases people 
install more than they need, and this adds overhead to the system. If you are 
running a web server and database server on your linux machine, and then try 
to use it as a workstation; you will find the performance far decrease your 
performance. Check to ensure that you are not running any services that you 
don't need, and try using KDE again. You may find that your performance is 

better. Mandrake by default installs Apache, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Zope, and 
Roxen. These are extensive applications that eat loads of resources. So, if 
you want good performance for Desktop apps, please don't install server 

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to Linux here and am looking forward to getting
> involved.  I have some experience with Solaris systems, but not
> much, the learning curve is killing me.  Anyway, a question...
> I'm stuck with a Winmodem and even thtough there are some
> Linmodem drivers for mine I was going to buy a hardware modem.
> I only found one internal PCI hardware modem at Comp USA.  It
> says specifically that it workd with Linux, but adds 'kernal
> 2.3' or higher.  Is this a misprint?  As far as I have seen
> there are no distributions running 2.3.  I'm running Linux
> Mandrake 7.1 right now.
> Also, I always heard how fast Linux was, for CLI it's great but
> on KDE it seems to be everybit as slow as Windows 98.  Is this
> correct?  I have a suspicion that my AMD 'shared memory
> architecture'.
> Oh, one more thing, I have had to re-install Mandrake several
> times, I think the culprit is my Windows de-frag software, I
> think it defrags my Linux partitions into the WIndows section.
> Since Windows recognized the presence of an 'un-formated' D
> drive, I figured I was safe.  I'd like to just dump Windows
> completely, but unfortuneatly there is some software I use daily
> that Linux has no workable substitutes for (yet).  Perhaps I can
> learn enough to do a little 'homesteading'.
> Regards,
> Brian
> BTW, are novices welcome at your meetings?
> ---
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Deven Phillips, CISSP
Information Security Officer
Viata Online, Inc.

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