[LUAU] Possible Meeting topics... and some misc notes

Chris Wong wongc at math.ed.hawaii.edu
Tue Feb 9 00:47:13 PST 1999

Well, since the meeting is in a week, I'm going to cough up some ideas as
to what to discuss... and I really don't want to be out there by myself
now. I hate that. :)

I have two offhand comments.. one is because somebody from work is coming
in and I need to impress them. The other is because I'm curious about it.

So.. without further ado...

1) Linux in the Enterprise
      Linux has become a major player in the corporate world, so much
      even in the last past month that maybe we should cover some of
      the impact it is having. All are invited to offer input, advice,
      and other helpful advice.

   If anybody has anything to add to this or something to say.. let me
know... I got some ideas but I'll have to compile the news (and it changes
daily) and make a quick report. I don't think we ever covered this in any
meeting... some could say it wasn't ready for the enterprise until
recently. More on that later.

2) Linux Router Project
      Well, that little thing is WAY cool if I can get it to work. I
just need a little guidance. Now, I know several quiet people on this list
have played with it... does anybody want to speak about it?

3) LUAU's website, and other projects
      Yeah.. we TALK about it all the time. And still nothing gets done.
It's not critical to the group but it certainly would be nice. I'm making
small inroads into making stuff for it, but it's more technical stuff like
database work... which is fun and stuff but it sure ain't pretty.

4) Your suggestion goes here.

I guess I should make a quick note... So far, I'm running the meeting as

5:45 or so:      I arrive. Meet people. Or not.. depending on traffic and
                 my ride. (or the bus)

6:00:            Talk to people... meet the new people coming in.

6:15:            Really start the meeting (Hawaiian Time y'know?)
                 This basically begins with the boring stuff...
                 Internal group issues, and such.

6:30:            Begin the fun, structured topics.
                 I primarily just want to cover the topics we said we'd
                 discuss in front of the group.

7:30 or so:      Break up into small groups... this is the most
                 fascinating part for me.. for one, it happens almost
                 spontaneously without any direction on my part.
                 Two, the topics of discussion are more intense and are
                 just as fun.

9:00:            We get kicked out.

If you think I should cover other things let me know...

Oh.. if anybody reads this far down, I'm thinking it would soon be time
for another Install-Fest. I've a feeling that the group is much larger and
some people haven't gotten Linux installed right yet. But it's just a

Well... that's enough for now... We now return you to your regularly
scheduled technical discussions...

de facto leader of LUAU.. Hawaii's Premier (heck why not... we're the ONLY
active one) Local User Group.

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