[LUAU] Mail Back: USPS to recycle (some) e-waste free of charge

Jim Thompson jim at netgate.com
Tue Mar 25 23:36:55 PDT 2008


see also: <http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2008/ 

Motorola does this and gives money to schools as part of the deal: <http://www.racetorecycle.com/consumer.html 

Apple does it too: <http://www.apple.com/environment/recycling/>, see  
also: <http://www.apple.com/environment/recycling/nationalservices/us.html 
 > with the details that:

Maximum Measurement of Each Box:  H26 in. x W26 in. x D26 in.

Maximum Allowable Weight: 60 pounds

Price: $30.00  (free if you've bought an Apple Mac in the last two  

Packaging Materials: Supplied by Customer

And Dell does the same thing in several mainland cities: <http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/pressoffice/en/2008/2008_02_20_rr_000?c=us&l=en&s=corp 


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