goku ball z
goku3g at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 23:17:32 PDT 2007
Hi Camron,
Cool.... here goes... =)
I want have 3 domain on the same server. let's call them a1.com, b2.com and c3.com
then let say I have 3 users let's call them joe smith, joe hill and joe atta.
joe smith wants a email address as joe at a1.com
joe hill wants a email address as joe at b2.com
joe atta wants a email address as joe at c3.com
and I don't think i am able to create a unix accout for all of them. So I read somewhere that I need to create a non unix account, they can't login but just get their email via web mail or something like outlook. I heard that some people used mysql to do it. But what I want to know is that can I do it without using a data base. Like Qmail. you can create non unix account users without using mysql.
"Camron W. Fox" <cwfox at us.fujitsu.com> wrote:
goku ball z wrote:
> Hi all, I have a question regarding postfix.
> I was searching and reading some books about postfix. But they really didn't get in to non unix email accounts. So my question is...
> Is there a way without using mysql database to create non unix email accounts? I know that you can have many domains, but I am more concern about non unix email accounts...
> thanks
It would probably be a little easier to help if you could tell us
exactly what you are trying to accomplish? When you say "non unix email
accounts", it's an "all others" kind of statement.
Best Regards,
Camron W. Fox
Hilo Office
High Performance Computing Group
Fujitsu America, INC.
E-mail: cwfox at us.fujitsu.com
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