[LUAU] "Practical Considerations for China Gold Rushers"

Hawaii Linux Institute wp at hawaiilinux.us
Thu Feb 23 11:28:56 PST 2006

I have noticed that Alexander & Baldwin is betting very big on the 
Honolulu-Shanghai trade opportunities in their next round of business 
growth plan.  Can't blame them, as China's foreign cash reserve is 
expected to grow to $1 trillion by the end of this year.

A couple of weeks ago, one of Sun's engineers I know gave a brief but 
pretty interesting talk to those who are interested in doing business in 
China.  I am posting a summary of his talk below:


Note one of his comments:

"Statistically speaking, staying at China alone is not good for 
marriages. The probability for a man to have an affair is reaching 100%. 
How devoted are you to each others? Even you are, an honest man can be 
seduced, tricked, framed, or simply drugged."

One hundred percent!

Enjoy.  Wayne

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