[LUAU] Re: Hosef

Julian Yap julian_yap at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 19:57:17 PST 2005

>>I am hoping to take some programming classes at UH or KCC next semester.  I'm trying to learn
>>Python/Plone/Zope, but am interested in anything relating to computers (preferably Linux/open-source). 
> I don't find any CS like classes at KCC.  The closest I found at UH is 
> ICS 415, but it appears to be Java+Javascript+a smattering of XML and HTML.
> HOSEF held a PHP class taught by a local wizard (Kevin English) once, 
> but I've never been able to get them to repeat the class.

I'm pretty versed in Python, Plone and Zope.  Python's pretty easy to 
learn but you won't find courses which teach it.  Courses don't tend to 
teach dynamic scripting languages exclusively.  They tend to stick to 
the safety languages of C++, Java, etc...

I'd recommend learning Python or Ruby.  I wouldn't recommend learning 
Plone or Zope.  There's a big learning curve and it's terribly 
"unpythonic".  It's a very large framework.  Zope3 will hopefully change 
this but the latest Plone v2.1 is built on Zope2.  Plone has its 
advantages in that most of the building blocks for a CMS are there so it 
gets you up and running fast...  When it comes to extending Plone... 
It's not fun.

As you're starting out, learning a dynamic language like Python/Ruby can 
be self taught using online resources or books.  I'd recommend a lighter 
weight framework.
Namely for Python: TurboGears, Django, etc...
For Ruby: Rails

You could also learn PHP, Perl, etc...  Again, these you can largely 
teach yourself.

If you're going to be more fully into Computer Science then you're on 
your own to coming to your own conclusions.

>>I also heard something about a local Ruby users group?
> Google finds this: 
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.ruby/browse_thread/thread/6e7a429efaf8946e
> Anthony Eden (http://allthings.mp/) is a good guy.   I met him at 
> TPOSSCON last year (we also saw each other at O'Reilly's ETech).  Turns 
> out I know his brother (Darrin), who lives in Portland (via Portland's 
> "community wireless" group.)
>  I'm interested in finding, or forming a local LISP users group, but 
> after 30 years of 'C', perl, tcl, C++, FORTRAN
> and a heap of things you probably haven't heard of,, all but LISP is 
> crap to  me.   Ruby and Python are but weak forms of LISP with 
> crutch-like syntax 'helpers' (neither has macros (in the LISP sense of 
> the word), nor will their 'syntax' allow same).

Perhaps there should be a more general Software Development/Dynamic 
Language/Web Development user group?

It would be tough to form a LISP user group but if there's a more 
general one, if there is enough participants for a particular sub-group. 
  eg. You find that there are 20 dedicated PHP programmers, then maybe 
that group can fork and create their own user group?


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