Vince Hoang vince at litrium.com
Sat Mar 19 20:36:34 PST 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 05:28:05PM -1000, Tom Gordon wrote:
> Thankfully it's already set up to do it. but it's not supposed
> to work unless /var/lock/subsys/yum exists. I guess they
> did that to make a user-friendly way to turn it on (via
> system-config-services, i guess). the console way to do
> it: "chkconfig yum on && service yum start" then, it will
> automatically start to "yum update yum; yum update" every day.
> Another service, rhnsd (it uses up2date instead of yum), is
> supposed to do something similar but it's not verbose enough
> for me. You can turn that off in services - or, "chkconfig
> rhnsd off && service rhnsd stop".

I would caution against blindly turning this on.

Keep in mind that the updates are Fedora Core version bumps
rather than backports of just the security fix. So if you run
automatically update via cron, you risk an increased chance of
having something break.

I much prefer only downloading updates nightly and manually
applying them during the day when possible breakages could be
dealt with more promptly.

    yum --download-only update
    up2date -du


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