[LUAU] MythTV on Fedora

Hawaii Linux Institute wp at HawaiiLinux.us
Wed Jun 1 13:09:11 PDT 2005

R. Scott Belford wrote:

>It would be good to begin setting a time and location at McKinley for
>any MythTV hacking.  We want to be certain that activities like these as
>well as an emerging series of lectures complement, not detract from, our
Thanks for your kind and authoritative reminder.  I happen to be in town 
this summer and thought my participation might benefit the community.  
As far as interferring with your activities at McKinely is concerned, as 
you are aware, everything I am doing is through Michael, the 
Linux/Solaris demo is not even kept in "your" Room 208.

Ok Ok I got a big mouth and I understand in certain environments this is 
a cardinal sin.  But as one of the original participants, I believe the 
LUAU mailing list is a community property.  I will remove the demo from 
McKinley this week but as far as LUAU is concerned, you will not able to 
kick me around as you did to Warren.  Or maybe you will.

(P.S. You could have sent your message in a private mail, as I often did 
to you.)


W. Wayne Liauh, Ph.D., J.D.
Attorney and Counselor at Law

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