[luau] Help with apt

Jaymes Schooler jimsch at ichgroup.com
Thu Sep 18 09:51:00 PDT 2003

Thanks for the info...My systems currently do not have apt...I'm running Red
Hat 2.1AS across the board

-----Original Message-----
From: luau-admin at videl.ics.hawaii.edu
[mailto:luau-admin at videl.ics.hawaii.edu]On Behalf Of Nicholas E. Walker
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:44 AM
To: luau at videl.ics.hawaii.edu
Subject: Re: [luau] Help with apt

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 08:03:51AM -1000, Jaymes Schooler wrote:
> I recently learned about apt...But have no experience with it.  can
> point me to some source docs and info on how it works?  Any help would be
> appreciated

Here's a crash course:

edit /etc/apt/sources
  contains references to debian mirrors.  e.g.:
deb http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian/ unstable main contrib
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib

apt-get update
  downloads the latest 'Package' and 'Release' files from the mirrors

apt-cache search <keywords>
  finds a relevant package (from the lists)

apt-get install <package>
  uses wget to fetch <package> and all dependencies, then install.

apt-get remove <package>

apt-get remove --purge <package>
  same as above but removes configuration files

apt-get upgrade
  upgrades all installed packages.  only do this with the 'stable'
  release, or you're asking for trouble.

apt-get dist-upgrade
  same as above but will upgrade core packages as well
  useful for upgrading between debian versions

try 'man apt'.

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