[luau] cron vs. anacron, xinetd useful?

Vince Hoang luau at ml.altern8.net
Fri Oct 31 18:07:01 PST 2003

On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 03:07:10PM -1000, Tom_Gordon/RISE/HIDOE at notes.k12.hi.us wrote:
> You can see a list of ENABLED depended services by running this:
> grep -li disable.*=.*no /etc/xinetd.d/*

RH's chkconfig will also list xinetd enabled services if xinetd is enabled:
  chkconfig --list | grep '   on'

or combine that with non-xinetd service listings:
  chkconfig --list | grep '[	:]on'

Trick or treat!

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