[luau] Slashdot: Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity

Eric Hattemer hattenator at imapmail.org
Thu Oct 9 16:00:02 PDT 2003

I have to say I don't agree.  Depending on where you get them (outside 
of Hawaii) you can easily get a 17-19" CRT for under $100.  The obvious 
problem with desktop switching, or alt-tab switching is that you can 
only view one document at a time.  There are so many applications for 
which there are two related document windows.  For instance, a webpage 
and a text editor for doing web development.  I like to play UO on one 
monitor and have the other monitor show the map.  In windows, windows 
can be spread across multiple desktops, which allows you to save on that 
35" monitor.  Any sort of switching is a pain, and its very nice for me 
to be able to modify an entire electronic circuit without needing to 
zoom around.  I'm glad I have two monitors at home.  At work I always 
work on a sun and a pc at the same time.  I seriously doubt I'd be more 
productive if you gave me a $100 raise over 5 years.  But in those 5 
years I'd get a lot more done if I could see all my programs at the same 
time.  Unfortunately the savage driver doesn't work properly with my 
cheapo graphics card, so I only get one and a half monitors in linux. 
 Its great in windows, though.  I agree with you that flat panels/LCDs 
are uttlerly silly and useless, though.  

-Eric Hattemer

tom_gordon at notes.k12.hi.us wrote:

>Or you can cut your chances of getting cancer in half by sticking to your 
>trusty desktop switcher :)  The only employers I know that bust the bling 
>for dual display are game developers and graphics artists.  I always have 
>less monitors than I do computers because extra monitors are wasteful and 
>expensive.  It's like buying an SUV; my old crt will always look better 
>than your new dual flat-panel.
>Besides, I bet the employee satisfaction from having two monitors alone 
>probably attributes to the the 10%, yes, only 10% increased productivity. 
>I can get more productivity by increasing wages, benefits or attending to 
>cultural and social agendas and needs!  I don't need a study to tell me 
>that either, although i'm sure they've been done many times.
>Usually studies that show such a small variation in performance and have 
>commercial contributors [NEC] are found to be false.

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