[luau] Next up, back up

Vince Hoang luau at ml.altern8.net
Tue Oct 7 17:55:01 PDT 2003

On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 03:49:58PM -0900, tom_gordon at notes.k12.hi.us wrote: 
> Heres how to find out what is generally more useful: (number
> of times you use tar/the number of times you use rsync)*100 =
> how much more useful tar is than rsync. I don't even know what
> rsync has to do with backups that won't be transfered off the
> system. Why mention it?

Hmm. I actually use rsync 10x more than tar. For most of my
needs, I want a good rolling snapshot. Rsync handles that role
well. I use tar when I want a dated archive.

Even when doing simple local copies, I will use rsync before tar.
I avoid cp whenever it is more than 1 file.

vim vs. emacs
qmail vs. postfix
bsd vs. linux

Now we have rsync vs. tar :)


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