[luau] Red Hat vs. Mandrake vs. SuSE

MonMotha monmotha at indy.rr.com
Thu Jul 11 09:52:01 PDT 2002

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
> <Gentoo>
> Installation of Gentoo is not as difficult as it sounds.  Just follow 
> the instructions.  But the problem
> is, once you install it, so what?
> For desktops (as well as in anything else, I suppose, but probably more 
> important for desktops), Application Programs run the show.
> (Another problem with Gentoo, or other non-mainstream distros, is that
> the kernels that are run under RH, MK or SuSE have been custom-patched. 
> Gentoo claims
> that you will be able to get the newest kernal build, but this is 
> probably something to be avoided.)

Most geeks I know compile their own kernels anyway.  I know I do this so 
that I know every option I have (and don't have!) enabled.  I can select 
my kernel patches as I please, and not be limited to what RH, MDK, SuSE, 
etc. dictates to me.  Of course, if you want to pick and choose your 
patches, those companies of course must release the source to their 
patches to the public as the Linux kernel is GPLed.

Very often, when working with the latest netfilter stuff, I need to do 
custom kernels.  HTB, IMQ, and lots of netfilter stuff you don't 
normally see because it isn't in stock 2.4.x.  I have to patch it in. 
So 10min of patching, 5-10min (max) of configuring, and 10-20min (on my 
1GHz P3 desktop) of compiling, and I have a kernel that's ready to be 
put onto my testing server.


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