Ettiquette Question

Steve Anderson andersons001 at
Wed Jan 30 08:15:39 PST 2002

On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 02:36, Todd Lee wrote:
> I was wondering after looking at my /var/log/httpd/error_log and seeing all
> of the code red II hits, if there's anything to do.  I'm sure most of the
> people don't know that it's on their machine, but I was wondering if there
> was a way to inform them or if I should take any action at all.  It seems
> since the server has been online (Friday) I've gotten hits at least 3 or 4
> times.
The activity level for the Code Red and Nimda worms are greatly reduced
from initial levels. The amount of traffic that I see hitting our
servers at work is insignificant. But on the other hand, if those
machines are on a home cable ISP network, then the machines are taking
up precious bandiwdth for others. You could consider informing the IP
netblock owner/admin poc from a nslookup, but I usually just block the
offending IPs at the router.


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