HALAU it shall be

yuser yuser at hi.net
Sun Feb 24 15:59:25 PST 2002

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 20:09:03 +0000, Dustin Cross <dusty at sandust.com>

>LUAU has been LUAU for something like nine years and 
>changing the name will not change anything about what LUAU is and has been.  

I agree with Dusty.
I personally like LUAU, but will accept any other given name as well.
I think that the effort involved to change the name will not be paid
back with equal benefits,  actually I see almost no benefit,  each
suggested name has its own history and meaning and are all good
choices in one form or another but that is not going to change
anything with the groups effort.  Not that it needs changed, just a
point to ponder.

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