HALAU it shall be

Dustin Cross dusty at sandust.com
Sat Feb 23 20:28:43 PST 2002

The first part "Ha" is pronounced like you are laughing "hahahaha".  The second 
part sounds like you stubbed your toe and said Ou with an "L" in front of it.  Does 
that make any sense?

halau -- A long house for canoes or hula instruction. Often used to refer to hula 
troupes. eg. A halau from Kauai took second place in the 1996 hula festival on the 
Big Island.

I guess it could be used to refer to a group of people who meet for something other 
than a hula group.


MonMotha (monmotha at indy.rr.com) wrote: 
>Just curious since I've never been to Hawaii and don't know Hawaiian,
>how exactly does one pronounce Halau?
>Warren Togami wrote:
>> Seems like most people like the name HALAU.  I like it too.  Unless there
>> are any objections, we don't need a vote.
>> Hawaii Advocates of Linux and Unix
>> It has "Hawaii" and says exactly what we do while being group neutral.
>> Doesn't Halau mean something like "group" in Hawaiian?  Perfect.
>> I still don't know if we will host the new list at HI.NET or UH.  Working on
>> that...
>> ---
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