Run Your Linux Firewall Halted for Extra Security

Brian Hessee gasp at
Fri Feb 8 10:40:40 PST 2002

> If so, this would make another powerful method of running production Linux
> firewalls.  IMPOSSIBLE to root remotely, and you can change iptables rules
> without downtime locally.
from what i understood in the article, it would be possible to write code to modify the 
kernel, but it would be a real Pain In The Ass(tm) to do. 
but the possibility still seemed to be there. 

> I'm thinking custom "Halted Linux Firewall" distribution that fits on a 4MB
> flash IDE disk.  (Could also fit on a floppy, but floppies are unreliable
> and slow pieces of crap.)  Anyone want to put together such a beast? =)

ok, that is an interesting idea.......hmm...
need to get an unfried cpu before i start on that though....
> Warren

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