Join the fight to stop the SSSCA

Jeff Mings jeffm at
Mon Sep 10 13:24:21 PDT 2001

The SSSCA has been mentioned on SlashDot and this mailing list a couple 
of times.  It only takes a few minutes to send an email to tell these 
guys that they are acting like selfish idiots... but do it politely. 
 Please feel free to modify the letter I composed and sent to Senator 
Stevens at senator_stevens at and Senator Hollings at .  I'm also about to call the 
offices of Senators Akaka and Inouye- their phone numbers are 522-8970 
and 541-2542.
Don't wimp out.  Do your part NOW.

Senator Stevens,
 I cannot begin to express my outrage at the wording in the newly 
proposed SSSCA. The proposals to foist digital rights management upon 
the American public makes me livid. I am a computer specialist, and I 
despise the notion that this bill intends to force unwanted and 
ill-conceived technology upon me and my livelihood. How can this 
nonsense, in which fair use is cast aside, and the needs of people to 
use their computers/PDAs and related equipment without added impediment 
be proposed?!! The only possible answer is that this idiotic legislation 
is being passed for the media corporations, rather than the American 
people who you are SUPPOSED to be serving. As a solidly conservative 
voter, I am embarassed that someone from my party of choice is planning 
to sponsor such hideous restrictions. I urge you, in the strongest 
possible language, to stop this plan to shaft not only your 
constituency, but the larger public as well. Rest assured, my senators 
will be hearing loudly from me.


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