Server platform comparison

Brian Russo brusso at
Wed Oct 10 00:44:18 PDT 2001

On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 09:17:04PM -1000, Nelson Garcia wrote:
> You don't mention what web and database servers you are planning on running
> on the other two choices.
> Linux + Apache + PostgreSQL (or MySQL) would be my choice.  The resource
> requirements of SQL Server and/or Oracle are other factors to consider.

Oracle? I doubt they need that, then they can spend $40k/yr on a
part-time DBA

> There was a good set of articles in a past issue of Linux Journal comparing
> all DBMSs available for Linux. PostgreSQL faired very well, with MySQL
> ranking lower because of its lack of transaction support.

MySQL has transaction support, just hasn't had it as long as postgres.

Unix Staff, High Energy Physics Group   <brusso at>
Debian/GNU Linux! <wolfie at>

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