Music biz wants tougher DMCA, CPRM 2 to protect copyright

Rodney K pepe65 at
Mon Oct 8 04:39:14 PDT 2001

Now they wanna take away our privacy right too?


The music industry and its hired muscle, the Recording Industry Ass. of 
America, plans to step up its war against MP3 file sharing and CD ripping 
with campaigns targeting legal, technological and Internet access fronts, The 
Register has learned.

Worryingly, legislation designed to protect computer users' privacy are 
likely to be tackled too. Disney chief Michael Eisner pointed out after 
Rosen's keynote that "privacy laws are our biggest impediment to us obtaining 
our objectives". 

All this points to a move by the major music labels - and undoubtedly the 
movie companies too - to do anything they can to halt the transfer and even 
the storage of copyright material without their explicit say-so, primarily by 
limiting content at source and using the law to block whatever material gets 
through the net. And if anyone's rights get in the way, well that's just too 

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