Snort question

jay jay at
Mon May 14 04:08:16 PDT 2001

i use snort as an IDS.  as long as i keep my rules up to date,
it lets me know not only that someone's attacking me, but exactly
what kind of attack.  the version i'm running is a bit old, so they've
add some new features since then like realtime alerting and syn/stealthscan

it's really quite flexible and thus useful for lots of different tasks.
check out this doc for some of the more common implementations:

how does it make my life easier?  i don't think it does.  if i used it
at work for a client i'd probably use the logs to justify getting paid
every week.  usually tho, clients will opt for expensive commercial
products with fancy GUIs.  i mostly use it at home to find rootshells on
servers that are used to attack my network.


On Sun, 13 May 2001, Ben Beeson wrote:

> Aloha all,
> 	Does anyone have any experience using Snort? If so, how do you use it
> and how does it make your life easier?
> Thanks,
> Ben Beeson

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