Home Network Problem

Robert Buecker rbuecker at darkscape.net
Sat Mar 24 12:10:28 PST 2001


`ndc status` and/or `ps aux|grep [n]amed` will let you see if it's running
(of course anything called named in the name will be shown as well). The [n]
around the n keeps "grep named" from being shown in the process list.
grep -v grep would also work but is more to type.

To stop named from running, you could use:

1. ndc stop
2. kill -9 `cat /var/run/named.pid`
3. kill -9 `ps auxw|grep [n]amed|awk '{print $2}'`


ps. If you want to go ahead and run bind, but make sure it's at least BIND
8.2.3 (http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/bind8.html).

> How do you know if it's running, and if it is how do you shut it off?
> Warren Togami wrote:
> >
> > Yes,
> >
> > Ben.  Please DO NOT RUN BIND.  It is an unneeded risk.
> >

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