Article: What is required for GCC to support Microsoft's .NET?

Rodney Kanno pepe65 at
Sat Jun 30 21:29:19 PDT 2001

(excerpt from article)

When we talk about GCC supporting .NET, there are several different things we 
could mean. We could mean that GCC would emit .NET IL (Intermediate Language) 
for any of the source languages that it can process. Then you could take your 
C++ program, compile it with G++ and obtain .NET IL. The resulting program 
could then be run on any system that supports .NET.

Another thing that we might mean is that GCC could process the .NET IL as 
input and emit machine code. In this case, you could take .NET IL generated 
by any .NET compiler and compile it to run on any system supported by GCC. 
For example, you might use Microsoft's C# compiler to generate .NET IL and 
then use GCC to transform the .NET IL into x86 code that could run under 

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