ADSL ISP suggestions?

Nelson Garcia garcian002 at
Tue Jul 17 14:24:59 PDT 2001

Hi gang,
I am working on a volunteer project to bring Internet access to a small
school. Last year I helped them setup their library/computer lab of 20 PCs
with one Linux server but the school could not afford internet access.  I
have finally talked them into getting DSL but FlexNet is not taking any new
customers. I would like to have this setup by the end of the month. We only
want (can afford) Bronze Plus and no bandwidth charges. I have done all the
preliminary negotiations with Verizon already and they just need my ISP's

After that long introduction, here's my question:
Which ISP do you recommend that is reliable and low cost?

We currently have one dialup account with [a budget ISP who I won't name]
but after they called me a few times complaining that the school connected
too much I wonder if they can really support their DSL customers.

Thanks in advance,
Nelson Garcia

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