
Chris Wong wongc at
Tue Feb 13 13:44:59 PST 2001

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Rodney Davis wrote:

> I can't get telnet to work correctly.  When I try connecting from a
> remote machine the connection is refused.  I have checked my
> /etc/hosts.deny (all commented out) and /etc/hosts.allow (ALL : ALL :
> allow) and made sure that telnet is uncommented on inetd.conf.  And, I
> restarted /etc/rc.d/init/inet after doing all of this. When I telnet
> in it hangs for a second or to after connection and then it is
> rejected.

tcp wrappers doesn't refuse connections. So there's no point in checking
that. Now, since telnet is uncommented out on inetd.conf, then there's
another problem.

> Are there any dependencies that I am missing and need to start in
> order to get telnet working correctly?  What else should I do to get
> this running.

The first thing you should check is the log. Restart your inetd and check
the log file /var/log/messages I think but I don't use Mandrake.

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