FW: [GOLUM] HD Question

Hershberger, Robert T Mr (CPF N63RTH) HershbRT at cpf.navy.mil
Thu Aug 16 13:58:25 PDT 2001


  I got a new HD, partitioned it, copied files from my old drive to the new
and got the whole thing to boot.  the command I used to copy was 'cp -dpRx
{source} {destination}' and all that worked out.  But now that I've gotten
past that hurtle I have other problems ...

  root does not read any .bashrc file (user accounts do on the other hand)
when I log in.  If I /bin/bash the second shell does so.
  X doesn't work due to the fact that the xfs daemon doesn't start up on
boot.  here is the output of ps & chkconfig  fresh from boot:

	ps -aux | grep xfs
	root      1261  0.0  0.4  1516  580 tty1     S    10:24   0:00 grep

	chkconfig --list xfs
	xfs            	0:off	1:off	2:on	3:on	4:on	5:on

  when I force xfs to start, using xfs -daemon, I can start X no problem.  
  the user accounts also have problems.  using netscape I can surf and read
email, but if I attempt to send email the app tells me that it could not
create a temporary file and so failed to send the email.  So that are the
most apparent problems right off the bat.  does anyone know what sort of
things I need to do at this point to get it all working again?  TIA

Robert Hershberger

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