Do you spend more on OSS that Windows?

Brian Ecker bae119 at
Thu Aug 2 20:45:40 PDT 2001

See, this is the kind of article that mistakenly approaches the OSS
movement from the "Free as in Beer" mentality rather than the "Free as in
Speech."  Most GNU programs are available for purchase from the FSF.  I
think the gcc tools run around $50 for individuals and $200 for
corporations.  "Free as in Beer," certainly is nice, but I would (and do)
pay more for having liberated software.


On 2 Aug 2001, Dusty wrote:

> Interesting article from /. about how we actually spend more money buying linux and the likes than we spend on buying windows.  I know I spend way more on OSS than I do on windows.  I like to support the vendors I like so I buy their product.
> Dusty

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