[LUAU] cfdisk

gsublett at lava.net gsublett at lava.net
Tue Mar 9 01:20:24 PST 1999

On 09-Mar-99 David C. Eason, Jr. wrote:
> I have 2 hd's, I want to install linux on the second hd, after booting
> with the boot/root disks, fdisk and cfdisk only show the first hd, how can
> I change it to the second?
> Dave

IDE drives:

1st drive is /dev/hda
2nd drive is /dev/hdb

.......... /dev/sda
.......... /dev/sdb

Involking fdisk without parameters assumes the first drive.

Assuming IDE drives,"fdisk /dev/hdb", Should do it.

E-Mail: gsublett at lava.net
Date: 08-Mar-99
Time: 23:03:08

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