[LUAU] Webmin 0.70 released.

Eric Hagen ehagen at hawaii.edu
Fri Mar 5 22:26:30 PST 1999

I know that this has been mentioned before, and some people think that web
based system admin programs are very dangerous.  However:

I just downloaded the latest Webmin .70, and it is very impressive.

SSL, TCP wrapper like protection, user definition (turned off the shutdown
option on my box), etc. really makes it a cool program.


Heres a quick list of what it can now do.

Network Configuration, DHCP server, Majordomo list manager, File Manager,
HPUX File Sharing, Squid proxy server, Sendmail mail server
Printers and printer drivers, BIND 8 DNS Server, Apache, Cron
BIND 4 DNS Server, Solaris File Sharing, Linux File Sharing
Inetd, SYSV Init, Disk/NFS Mounts, Samba, Unix Users
Disk Partitions, Processes control, Software Packages
Disk Quotas

Even if all you allow is your own IP address to connect, it still makes
working with BIND, SENDMAIL, Samba, etc so easy to configure.  It is
really amazing.

Could anyone throw it on one of the systems they are bringing to the
meeting to demo it?

Eric Hagen                  "Sometimes we get lost in the darkness, 
ehagen at Hawaii.Edu	     the dreamers learn to steer by the stars..."
			    "You fight for something because it is good.
	 				Not because it stands to succeed."

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