[LUAU] identd?

Eric Hagen ehagen at hawaii.edu
Sat Dec 19 03:00:22 PST 1998

Check out xinetd if you are really paranoid, otherwise, 
Follow paranoid rule number II, if you don't need it, don't use it or 
worry about it.

Eric Hagen                  "Sometimes we get lost in the darkness, 
ehagen at Hawaii.Edu	     the dreamers learn to steer by the stars..."
			    "You fight for something because it is good.
	 				Not because it stands to succeed."

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, Jeffrey Y. Sue wrote:

> Following the paranoid security policy of "If I don't know what it is, turn
> it off in inetd.conf", I turned off identd.
> What is identd? What is midentd? Do I need it? I'm running Linux to IP
> masquerade my private home network, so if I need identd, I guess I might
> need midentd.
> Mahalo,
> Jeffrey Sue

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