Julio, I will try installing Solaris x86 tonight and see if I can help. Solaris sparc lets you put in megabytes for the size of each partition. Dusty > > has anyone installed solaris i386 before? > I need help with the partitioning procedure, do I partition my HD first? > or how do I go about this? > I kinda got stuck up to the partitioning part because it asks me to partition > my drive by percentage, I have a 10G HD can anyone help here? > TIA > > Julio > -- > OS X: Because making UNIX user friendly was easier than debugging Window$. > > --- > You are currently subscribed to luau as: dusty@sandust.com > To unsubscribe send a blank email to $subst('Email.Unsub') "Linux is for people who hate Windows. BSD is for people that love unix."