Here are a couple hack attempt I have recieved in the past couple days that maybe everyone should look for. ------------------start log------------------------- - - [07/Jul/2001:04:58:43 -1000] "GET /cgi-bin/, skizan¹·º" 404 - - - [06/Jul/2001:14:55:11 -1000] "GET /scripts/..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir" 404 - ------------------end log--------------------------- both of these were in my web server access logs. The first one is some yahoo checking my system for to send SPAM. I am not running so he got 404. The second on is some junior script kiddie trying to use an IIS exploit on my OpenBSD/Apache system. MS IIS filters out ../ from URLs so people can't execute commands via your webserver by doing something like http://localhost/../../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/(any command). But IIS only looks at acsii characters. if you replace ../ with the unicode equilevent (..%c1%9c..) then the system will not filter it out and you can run commands on a windows system. Typically people will run tftp from the windows box to download backdoors. Anyway, these are just some of the things to check for in your logs. I should read muine more often. So I asked my accountant, do I get an agriculture exemption for my server farm?