I thought this was pretty interesting! ------------------------------------------------ Glacier
The following article was posted on my company's intranet. This war is real, and its only going to get much much worse.
Cyber War
Pro-Chinese hackers hit 14 U.S. sites Monday, May 1, in addition to 12 Sunday and four Saturday. Pro-American hackers are hitting back hard; 24 Chinese Web sites, including eight government sites were hit Monday.

While this Cyber War does not affect you directly it does indirectly. During the past few weeks the WorldCom Network Security Operations Center (NSOC) has investigated the following types of security incidents:
  • servers infected with the Funlove virus.
  • desktops infected with one of 14+ different email-type viruses.
  • desktops compromised because users followed links from anonymous or unknown users of ICQ Instant Messenger.
  • Website defacements.
  • BackOffice system compromises.

Each of these situations could have been avoided had users been following common sense practices and WorldCom policies and standards. Of particular note are the following items that are addressed by the Minimum Security Baseline Standards:
  1. running WorldCom's corporate anti-virus software for desktops and servers and keeping up-to-date with the weekly DAT file updates,
  2. enabling and running syslogs on servers and reviewing these logs regularly,
  3. requiring individual accounts and removing group accounts, and
  4. disabling remote login of the root user.
Robert J. Bostinto
Senior Advanced Network Sales Account Manager
New York City Corporate National Accounts
200 Park Avenue, 6th Floor
N.Y. N.Y. 10166
212 519 4295
Vnet 337 4295


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