I was just reading an article about Linux and how there is a lot of hype and sometimes Linux gets more credit than it deserves. At the end of the article the author said that linux in no way could be used as a viable desktop replacement. He said the applications are too buggy or they don't exist. Well I have to disagree and was wondering what other linux users think. I have used Linux almost exclusively for my desktop at home and work for over two years now with no problems. I started using Solaris on my desktop (Sparc 10) in 1993 with Applixware as the office suite and Framemaker for desktop publishing, Mosaic web Browser, and several other applications. The only application that I have not found a replacement for on Linux is Visio (which in my experience is the standard for network diagrams)! Just one application. I currently use Staroffice for my office suite with very few problems (all of those problems having to do with the world standardizing on MS Office, I send most people files in Rich Text Format or export to an MS Format), Netscape web browser, and a list of other applications too long to list. I did have to write a script to kill netscape when it locks up and won't die, but it has never affected Linux. The only thing I use my windows box for is games (I have to play EQ or Half-life every now and then). What do other users think, do people have trouble with staroffice or have other applications there is no replacement for in Linux? Next the author said that Linux is just too difficult for people to get running. Well I am pretty lazy and my desktop is usually a very bad example for a sys admin, but I usually don't have the time I would like to get it perfect so my desktop (actually laptop) is usually a default Redhat install, I simply delete most of the start-up scripts in /etc/rc5.d so those services don't start, configure my firewall to block ALL incoming traffic (IP_CHAINS makes this a pain, so I am always opening ports to connect, but default is NO incomming traffic, hopefully IP_TABLES will fix my problem), get SSH running (I only use ssh, scp, sftp), and install Staroffice. I am done in no time and I pick up other tools I need that didn't come with redhat along the way. Have I just been using *nix for too long and it seems easier to me than others? I have installed Linux on several laptops and I always find a page where someone has done the difficult work to get everything working and redhat and suse both detect everything. Anyway, how about some input from other Linux users or newbies about what they think. Dusty