[LUAU] A reflection on the state of the Linux desktop

Peter Besenbruch peter at besenbruch.info
Fri Aug 31 22:34:00 PDT 2012

> When KDE made the jump from 3 to 4 it annoyed me because I used
> Konsole (which was awesome) as my primary terminal which was then
> replaced by a crappy bare bones KDE 4 Konsole...  I eventually
> switched to just running Gnome terminal.

Konsole was wonderful. I agree.

> The problem is that larger open source projects such as Gnome and KDE
> don't have the resources to put out a new major release of their
> desktop early on.  So they need to just release it and improve it over
> time.  In the meanwhile users suffer and the whole usage is different.

I'm a strong proponent of gradualism. I seem to remember OSX having it's
troubles in the first four versions, or so. XFCE has evolved gradually, and it
shows in exceptional stability.

> ... Except I know I'm not alone but my primary laptop is now a MacBook
> Air 13".  The main problem is that Linux laptops suck with
> suspend/resume/hibernate and battery life.  In the end it just feels
> so much better to throw the lid of the laptop down and lift it up
> without hoping things don't go bad.  And in the end, I'm still just
> using the terminal mostly and Linux has won the server battle.

Which is what I do with mine, and it works, always. Yes, you have to know what
works and what doesn't with Linux, but there's a lot that does, including
Macbook Air, if I read correctly. Failing that, there is always ZaReason, and
companies like that.

btw. I just ordered this:


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