[LUAU] problems with RoadRunner?

Peter Besenbruch prb at lava.net
Thu Dec 2 23:17:22 PST 2010

On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 19:57:32 -1000
"Dwight Victor (Gmail)" <dwight.victor at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Seems like RoadRunner is having some issues; anybody know what's up?  
> Can't resolve any of their hostnames; even using Google or
> RoadRunner's own DNS servers.  Their customer service line is busy
> and their web chat thing showed a queue of over 200 users.  Still got
> connectivity, just no RoadRunner hosted services (i.e., mail, DNS,
> etc.).

It was constant problems with Road Runner that send me over to Lavanet.
At least most Linux users know how to point to different DNS servers.

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