No subject

Wed Feb 25 15:27:10 PST 2009

moon. The contrail turned into a rainbow!  The shadow remained and the
colors beside it faded gradually.

And, as always, the ground shook and the rumble was like thunder. From where
we were, the sun had just set.

 We could see the boosters fall almost all the way into the ocean because
the sun was shining an them and on Atlantis until it was a brilliant dot of
light and the falling boosters were two dots of light!

We had parked in a position which allowed us to be among the first to get
our car running and head back toward home.  We just happened to find a
W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L Thai restaurant on a side road a bit east of Orlando off
Colonial Drive.

The interior of the restaurant was very nice--and pretty. The food was as
good as--if not better than--any Thai meal we have ever tasted.  Ann says
she will be thinking of excuses for going to Orlando again soon so that we
can eat there.

The drive home was pleasant and there was very little traffic.  While we
ate, the traffic cleared.

This was a wonderful day!

Aloha from Al and Ann

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