[LUAU] how resilient is linux with repeated cold reboots?

Vince Hoang vince at litrium.com
Thu Nov 1 09:33:45 PDT 2007

On 10/30/07, Charles Lockhart <lockhart at ifa.hawaii.edu> wrote:
> I have had Linux installs in the past which eventually took the long
> sleep from being cold booted too many times, but the newer distros
> seem pretty resilient.  Still, the machine is dying and being
> restarted many times per day, sometimes many times per hour, as I
> tinker with the DSP code on the board trying to fix the problem.

Try to work towards making as much of the file system read only as
possible and isolating the writes into one file system / partition.
RAID is almost always a good idea but in the case of the OS locking up
frequently due to hardware problems, I suspect you will see lots of
issues with broken RAID mirrors with the OS locking up frequently.


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