[LUAU] Top 10 Best / Worst Cities For Software Developer Pay

Eric Hattemer hattenator at imapmail.org
Tue Mar 20 10:42:34 PDT 2007

Jim Thompson wrote:
>    Where are the "exports" for Hawaii?
I think this is the key question.  You can't pay people with money you 
don't have.  It's not so much about how much are "they" paying as "who 
is there that can actually pay?"  I think the only way to solve this 
problem would be to get more companies with more cash-earning products 
to Hawaii.  It's not direct, but there's definitely a small correlation 
between corporate earnings and employee salaries.  How many giant 
(Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Apple, etc.) software/computer companies have 
offices in Hawaii?  The only one I can think of is IBM. 

-Eric Hattemer

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