[LUAU] HDs for mirrors.hosef.org

HawaiiDakine.com webmaster at hawaiidakine.com
Mon Jan 8 20:04:21 PST 2007

R. Scott Belford wrote:
> Michael Bishop wrote:
>> Vince Hoang wrote:
>>> Since Michael offered to help, I am going to ask him to handle
>>> the order and have HOSEF reimburse him. Let Scott know if you
>>> need a donation receipt.
>> OK, so I'm ordering (4) Western Digital 500G HDs and (1) 3ware 
>> 9500S-4LP. I'll post when it arrives.
> We have only received one check so far.  Without your help Michael is 
> about to make a very expensive gift.  :-)
> Just a reminder that the address is
> P.O. Box 2644
> Ewa Beach, HI 96706
> Can you let me know if you mailed it to the Kailua address,
> P.O. Box 392
> Kailua, HI 96734
> and I'll make it a point to retrieve it.
>> Michael
> --scott
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Did You Get my Check?

I sent it before Christmas.

˜Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii

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