[LUAU] Tradition Continues

R. Scott Belford scott at hosef.org
Sat Dec 1 09:16:51 PST 2007

December is the time for storied and traditional events in Honolulu - UH 
Football, Christmas Parades, the City Lights, and HOSEF workshops. 
Today is no different as you are invited to join us in Ewa Beach at the 
Boys and Girls Club from 2-5.  Today we will learn how to turn a boring 
room into a contemporary, fashionable, and quite comfortable computer 
lab using previously discarded computers and that elegant solution 
called Free and Open Source Software.

Fashion tips will be provided by other HOSEF members.  Tips like

How do I turn that old dell server into a Clonezilla box so that I can 
image the computers in my lab?


Firewall Fashion - shall I dress that old PII as a firewall/content filter?


Is it still usable? - Finding the gems in your closet using Memtest to 
determine which, if any, of your old computers are worth keeping around


Who are you - A client, a server, or a standalone? - Finding the true 
heart of your computers.

Christmas caroling and songs singing the lore of computers now gone are 
welcome.  We'll be here



R. Scott Belford
Founder/Executive Director
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation
P.O. Box 2644
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
808.689.6518 phone/fax
scott at hosef.org

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