[LUAU] and the hits just keep on coming

Jim Thompson jim at netgate.com
Mon Nov 13 14:47:22 PST 2006

First Sun GPLs (most of) Java, making it Free Software, not "open  
sores".   As jswartz said (in obvious reference to esr), "(Crow and  
hats available for those needing a snack :-)"  http://blogs.sun.com/ 

Now comes the shocker.   Sun considers using the GPL for Open Solaris:


Will Sun look to use the GPL for other offerings it’s already open- 
sourced such as the OpenSolaris version of its operating system? And  
so to the interchange between Jonathan Schwartz, Sun’s president and  
chief executive officer, and Rich Green, the company’s senior vice  
president of software at an event to formally open source Java in  
Santa Clara, California, which was also webcast:

"Are you adverse to changing the license, Rich Green?" Schwartz asked.

"Certainly not," Green responded, prompting the Sun CEO to fire back  
in a half-joking manner: "Will you GPL Solaris, Mr. Green?"

"We will take a close look at it," Green said, adding that it was  
possible that the familiarity and comfort level many developers have  
with the GPL may result in Sun adopting it for OpenSolaris.

Both men positioned Sun’s embracing of GPL for Java as an important  
change in the software landscape, which the company hopes will result  
in much greater adoption of all flavors of Java across mobile devices  
and computers.


(too bad Sun uses Real to encode the video)

Lets see:

ESR joins Linspire's board, issues call for putting patented  
technologies in Linux distributions

Oracle cozies up to GNU/Linux (attempts to steal RHAT's customer base)

Microsoft cozies up to GNU/Linux (does the deal with Novell)

Sony cozies up to GNU/Linux (you can load YDL for $50.  It won't take  
long for the DVDs to appear though).

Sun GPLs Java, issues open invite for developers to co-mingle GNU/ 
linux and Java.

	And lest we forget, OpenOffice is already... Free Software.

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