[LUAU] hawaiiantel internet and e-mail

Peter Besenbruch prb at lava.net
Thu May 11 16:59:26 PDT 2006

David Imai wrote:

> I recently signed up for DSL service and found that the setup CD only
> works under Windows. The solution is to visit mac.hawaiiantel.net and
> sign up for an account there. It works with any operating system.
> This should also work for anyone who had a verizon account and can't
> access their webspace.

Under Verizon, I always threw out the setup CD and connected via a 
router. Verizon's software contained borderline spyware, and robbed 
about 10% of your bandwidth. I suspect something similar is happening 
with its successor.
Hawaiian Astronomical Society: http://www.hawastsoc.org
HAS Deepsky Atlas: http://www.hawastsoc.org/deepsky

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