[LUAU] Re: Goobuntu Linux

prb at lava.net prb at lava.net
Fri Feb 3 22:26:45 PST 2006

Julian Yap wrote:
> You may believe that Linux is not a factor in emerging countries but the
> sponsors of LinuxAsia 2006 conference don't think so
> (http://www.linuxasia.net/).

They are entitled to their opinion. Of course, I haven't seen any 
opinions given.

> OK, let's take China for example.
> Now, China is a communist country and so the largest force by far is the
> Government.  Which feels more communist?  Free and Open Source, for the
> people, Linux or a foreign owned proprietary operating system.

The government's political orientation has nothing to do with the 
software they run.

> Which is the government currently supporting?  A FOSS operating system
> or rampant piracy?

They turn a blind eye to the piracy.

> An example.
> "Sun Wah Linux Chosen by Chinese Government for the Largest Linux
> Desktop Roll-Out in China's History" -
> http://www.linuxelectrons.com/article.php/20051005183120307

I remember another announcement made by Sun a couple of years ago 
concerning the biggest roll out ever of their Java Desktop System in 
China. It was to have made Sun the biggest Linux distributor. It never 
happened, of course. There are lots of announcements and press releases 
that never come to pass, especially in China.

> I have only been with HOSEF for a relatively short time so I can't
> comment fully on the logistics of support.  Anyone else care to answer
> this?  I have however worked for the past 4 years in customer and
> applications support so if these areas are lacking in HOSEF, I will look
> to address them.

That would be good, as that is where most computer projects fail.

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