[LUAU] How do you delete over 500,000 files in a directory

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Thu Nov 3 18:45:57 PST 2005

>> You'd think that by 2005, arbitrary length command lines wouldn't
>> be an issue

> Note that the expansion itself is no problem, rather it's almost always an 
> exec(2) system call which fails returning E2BIG.
> Remember that all that crap has to be copied into kernel space for an exec

All true, but hardly a good excuse.  They could allow arbitrary sized
argument vectors and environment and argument storage.  E2BIG on
"rm *" on a machine with 2G of ram is pure silliness.  There are systems
(as I pointed out) that don't have this limitation.

> jim

Tim Newsham

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